Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mail Call

The latest dose of  Shinkai stuff showed up this week. A spare copy of Memories of Cinema and the latest issue of Da Vinci magazine, with an article about the notes that became The Garden of Words. Part 4 of the manga is on the boat over here now.

I guess it's not The Garden of Pictures, but that would make it easier to read...
My new pencil sharpener came, and while I thought it would be similar to the one that died, I was mistaken. I went to the store to try to pick out a better one, but it seems they take the cutters out of the display models and it's a little too involved to take one out of the box (if it ends up I don't buy it and have to try to put it back).

The new iron came, and I love this packaging. It makes it seem so fancy!

Not just "a" steam iron!
It's only 1000W compared to 1600W on the Rowenta I iron my regular clothes with, but this thing will heat your house and give you a hell of burn on your arm!

The separate water and power take some getting used to, since one goes under and behind the ironing board and the other up and over to the side. I wouldn't mind trying one of the boiler type industrial irons for the single hose, but the one that I tell myself I "need" goes about $600 and I remain able to talk myself out of it.

While making one of my infrequent checks to see when Zoolander is coming out of on blu-ray, I discovered there is a UK release. Third party sellers were selling it "fulfilled by Amazon" at a decent price so I ordered it. While watching it, I was reminded that I have a nice piece of red silk velvet in the closet just waiting to be turned into this... It's probably not as cool though if I don't have someone to stand around holding it.

It's fictional, if not a garment

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