Sunday, August 4, 2013

Odd Ends

Time for another round of pillowcases, so there's a new pile of fabric to be prepped.

I also found the appropriate sized separating zipper, so I will try that out. The jacket front pieces will need some adjustment to account for the halves of this. I think the "underneath" side front piece will need the most doing, but it shouldn't be too bad. It's getting about time to start moving the pattern pieces from just fitting to taking into account the actual construction of the garment. I should have looked for short zippers for the cuffs of the Misato jacket, which is what this zipper is for.

Going to the archives to see WWSKD?
Now comes the scary part! I tried to avoid it, but really I knew it was what had to be done. That shiny fabric peeking out of the paper is the dreaded silk charmeuse. If you're worried about your project looking like hell, silk charmeuse can help make it a reality! This will be the jacket lining, and I bought enough yardage to make it up at least twice.

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