Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hot Buttered Sole Plate

I was surprised that a quick search didn't turn this up as a commonly used sewing blog title. In preparation for making up more pillowcases, I ran another pass through the serger and hit it with the iron as I normally do with the sewing machine. At first, I thought it was missing stitches, but then it hit me. The "missed stitches" are now glued to the sole plate of my iron.

You should see the other side.

Looking online, I guess I'm not the first to melt this thread so I tested the CTS thread and it was fine. Too bad I went with 1 of each color the last time, instead of just a bunch of black and white cones, so I'll have to order more so I can have groups of 4 matching. In the  meantime, I'll have to pick up more sole plate cleaner and some elbow grease.

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