Monday, April 8, 2013

Pin Up

The quick look, since the ruffler is a bit of bother to take off, is something like this. Ideally, when this is made up of the real stuff, with boning and whatnot, it will look a lot less wrinkly than pinning up this muslin like this. Really, I could pin and repin and repin to make it look smoother, but this was supposed to get sewn on to the other pieces I traced out again first anyway. But in the meantime, I wanted to see how close it was. I started by pinning the top side seam corners on both sides and then the side seams down. Then I worked the various darts and did some repinning all around to even it out, but close enough. This is kind of why I say I don't care about the seam allowances, just the seam lines, cause they can be lined up on the seam lines on the dress form's cover and fit checked that way.

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