Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mass Production Pillowcases

Finally, I tried out my serger. As it turns out, I just passed the 5 year anniversary of its purchase. Oops! Well, I had bought the basic 1034D to give serging a try and now I have.

I also had a bag of Maxi-Lock thread I had picked up on sale somewhere, a bunch of colors, 4 cones of each. I also looked at CTS USA, where I bought all the thread for the Juki 8700, and it looks like I went with a light thread that is what they also sell for sergers, so I have all those 12,000 yard cones too. To try to learn how to thread this thing, I immediately pulled off the color coded thread spools it came pre-loaded with and read the FM. Only took two tries, and we were in business. It takes regular home sewing machine needles, so I'll have to find a deal on those, since I only have a pile of industrial needles.


Now I'll go back to the manuals and video CDs and figure out how to mess with all the settings.

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