Sunday, February 24, 2013

Try, try again

The continued testing of the scroll hemmer feet got off to a poor start once I decided to go down from 1/4". I've just been tearing off pieces of muslin, pulling off any stray raveling threads and going at it. The fringey edge seems to have trouble getting along with the scroll, and maybe it's operator error, but the thing keeps wanting to turn back in the wrong direction. At best, this gives a twice folded edge with the raw edge showing. Not as messy looking as you would think, but of course, not acceptable.

I took my sample strips and cut them longways with the 12" shears. The cut edges were much more cooperative and that let me focus more on how to hold and feed the fabric. The 1/8" foot now seems possible, though the verdict is still out on the 1/16". However, if I decide to use this method, I'll have to practice every day until I can think this won't turn out to be a waste of some 4-ply silk crepe.

1/4" top, 1/8" as noted

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