Sunday, February 3, 2013

Photo crop

Got a couple passes through the machine today with some muslin and got a feel for a few things. First, turn the speed way down. I think I tried starting with a "20" and then went down to "10" when it looked like that was still a little fast for it. Second, unlike normal sewing, you can't hold both layers since every fourth stitch, that metal blade drops and pulls the top layer with it. Of course, I knew that going in, but industrial motor plus duh equals let's not photograph that.

 With the width of the area actively being pleated by the machine, I think that once I set it up for wider pleat sections and get it all attached, that visually it will have the same effect as flared tiers. That is, a puffed up effect, but without the real obvious pleats I don't want this to have.

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