Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tombow Centennial Pencil Set

Tombow has a set of drawing pencils out for their 100th anniversary, in old school form and packaging. I love fancy packaging and had read these might be Mono 100s so I figured it's a hell of a deal for $15 if true (and okay if not).

They came in a padded envelope and when I opened the envelope it smelled fantastic! My latest batch of Black Warriors have very nice leads, but they don't seem to have any real wood smell.

On to the packaging!

A heavy paper sleeve, that includes "TOMBOW 100HB" in the fine print on the back. Is that as in Mono 100 or 100th Anniversary? In the words of Paul Reubens, I don't know!

Inside is a nice metal box, which I'm sure will get refilled with Black Warriors at some point. The Tombows all seem to come in fancy boxes, so you don't need to keep them for refills of the same.

Just in case you didn't read the sleeve or the front of the box, there's still time to find out what's in the box.

In case of what?

If it's not Colt, it's just a copy!

Almost to the pencils! Please and thank you!

The pencils are held separate from each other with a little insert. I imagine these will still work with round pencils if I keep them nice.

Thank you Carl!

Oh no! More writing I can't read! Okay, it's just the back side of the insert above.

I actually bought more than one box so I don't have to feel bad about using some of them up and to be able to save some to sell on the 200th anniversary for $1,000,000 which will probably be worth about $15 in today's money.

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