Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Couture Cardigan Jacket, book report

Claire Shaeffer's new couture sewing book came today, "The Couture Cardigan Jacket". All I've gotten done in the past week and a half is one pillowcase, so I was glad for a distraction. "I can't sew today, I'm studying reference materials."

I have her previous couture books and DVDs, but I've been waiting on this one to see what I could use on my Misato (Not) by Chanel jacket project. As expected, it's full of glorious thread marking, basting, hand stitching and pressing on the most terrifying array of super-raveling fabrics and charmeuse!

Some of the chapters such as buttonholes and patch pockets don't apply to my current project, but are still interesting. Here's the chapter I was most excited to see, hand set sleeves.

Ever since Susan Khalje changed my sewing life with hand picked zippers, I've been meaning to give this a try. Between the sort-of plaid loose weave fabric and the odd-angled seams, I think this method will be good for my general stress level as well as the final product.

The book also includes a DVD with chapters that match the book, demonstrating the various topics. I just skimmed the DVD, but it looks similar to her previous ones, so I expect it will be good too.

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