Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This Boy Caught a Merman

This boy caught a merman. Mer-man! That's an obvious one, but might as well say what everyone's thinking.

The US release of the second "This Boy" movie by Soubi Yamamoto came out today and I had it on pre-order from Amazon so here it is!

Originally I thought she was Shinkai's protege, but now I think she was just inspired to get into animation by his work. I always thought this shot from the beginning of "This Boy Can Fight Aliens" was a reference to Shinkai, with the date on the phone and the cherry blossom petals, which didn't show up too well in this screenshot. It's probably just me assuming, but anyway, that's two more blu-rays sold!

This Blu-Ray has a trailer for the US release of "The Garden of Words" with the text in English, but none of the voiceover. I have the Japanese release already and in almost all cases have severe allergic reactions to dubs, so no biggie. I checked a little of the dub on This Blu-Ray, and I don't know what I think a merman is supposed to sound like, but I think they probably sound a little unnatural speaking English. Not a lot of data points to base this opinion on though.

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