Sunday, March 31, 2013


I don't know where the skirt blocks I draped off Lucy went, and the paper patterns hanging in the closet were just something I made up to standard measurements once upon a time. In between bouts of spring cleaning, I draped up some quick front and back skirt pieces. They may not have been too exact, but after transferring them to paper and using them to make up some longer pattern pieces, we'll see if it isn't functional. How much benefit is there to getting these things as tight as her muslin cover anyway? You're going to need a little ease to actually get the garment on anyway. I should probably come up with a post label that translates into "This is the first pass, so don't be surprised when I say 'close enough' and then re-do it right on next time'." Oh wait, I think this is the second post in a row where I claimed that, but only the first time when I'd actually done something so technically I'm correct.

It always looks like a mess at this point, even when it's right...

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