Thursday, August 22, 2013


It's almost the weekend and I'm not sick or out of town for a change, so it's time to get some new pattern pieces puzzled out. The Misato jacket needs a zipper on the front and the sleeves. There's really nothing to the sleeve zippers, since they'll just go in the seam like any old zipper.

For the front closure, I'll be making the "extension" on the "under" front piece separate and then insetting that half of the separating zipper in that seam. On the "over" piece, that half of the zipper will be set on the back side of the extension, with the tape covered either by a raw silk facing or the silk charmeuse lining. Not sure which I'll do on that. Probably the raw silk, but that fabric is kind of thick so it might get a little heavy with more layers.

Ah, it'll all make sense when I sew it up.

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