Sunday, June 23, 2013

More Skirt

It occurred to me that I could work on the fit of the skirt by making a front and a back piece, just sewing the darts and then pinning them on and revising the side seams, as needed. This got me thinking about thinking about right versus wrong side. I traced off the pieces and sewed the darts on the right side. When I went to sew them, I just folded and worked on the side where the lines were drawn, for ease of working. Then, after pressing them, I started pinning them on with the darts to the inside of the pieces. Because I'm matching these to the princess lines on the form, and because the form isn't 100% symmetrical, for a second I thought I had really misplaced them. Once the pieces were flipped so the "right side" was out, it was very close, and within the realm of "operator error".

To get the test skirt on Lucy, I used the collapsable shoulder feature. If you push in her arm sockets, there's a mechanism inside that will hold the shoulders in until you push them again, which causes them to pop back out.

But... tight fitting skirt plus dress form with other things on top equals this still doesn't work.

The back will likely become two pieces with a zipper anyway, so let's make a cut in that area.

Now that it was on, I sez to myself, Self, you want to try it with the new bodice piece on too. Back off and on one more time, and note to self, need a little more room in the skirt if you're going to have stuff under it. Good enough for today though!

The next step will be to make an adjustment or two to the skirt pattern and then try making it up as an outer layer and lining layer. Also, the ruffler is going back on to test some new ideas. Pictures to follow if any of them turn out to to be good ideas.

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