Sunday, November 10, 2013

"No one knocks off Old Tony"

Looks like we'll get 23 pillowcases out of the pile of fabric. I spent some time this weekend ripping bands and body lengths out of the yardage and prepping them for construction. I ironed the bands into the folded over shape and got about ten tags on. There are exactly enough tags left for the remaining bands too. Given that the pillowcases are made by just three passes on the serger, they should be done in plenty of time for Thanksgiving.

Pardon my pencilmanship.

Also this week, I finally went ahead and bought a couple books on the Japanese language. So far, I have learned 37 of the 46 basic hiragana. A through ya, plus the wa, so I could write the title above. I've been looking at all these things I couldn't read before and now I can make a few things out, but mostly can read character-???-character-character-???-character. Some I can puzzle out from the hints, Wheel of Fortune style. Some, like Ho-Shi-No-Ko-E and the above, I now know enough to recognize that much. There's a lot more where that came from, but at least it's a start!

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