Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Leaning Tower

In trying to come up with a height, I just tried a few things until I thought she would be not quite as tall as me. A good height seemed to come with the muslin just touching the floor, or 44" from the top of the waist line. It seems like that might be handy somehow, but most of my muslin stash is 36" so I'm probably just making that up. 44 inches seemed high to me but I can lean on her shoulder like, hey bud, how are you set for insurance?

There's no room in here for a bookcase, but they're not in the way like you'd think.

To figure the width of the tiers, I noticed in the picture that the second tier comes down to just below the wrist. Lucy has arms so I put one on and decided the measurement would be 9 inches. Lucy and Akari have some differences in where their elbows are and whatnot, but this ain't science so Tier 1 is 3" and Tier 2 is 6" until I try it and it looks bad. That makes the bottom section a little less than 35" since the whole thing starts below the waistline, but the 36" muslin should work fine for the first pass.

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