Monday, July 14, 2014

Voices of a Distant Star, the Radio Show

Back in the day, there was a radio play CD based on Voices of a Distant Star, that despite being noted on Wikipedia, I didn't realize existed. I found a reasonably priced used copy on Amazon JP and included it on my last order. It showed up looking pretty new for a used CD, which was nice of them. I had a hell of a time photographing this, but never bothered to google "how not to get crazy reflections on everything you photograph with your iPhone".

The cover -

The CD -

As noted on the CD, here are the track titles from the insert booklet. The CD focuses on Mikako's travels to Agarta and some new characters like Kaori and Nozomi. I can't understand half of the show, but I've watched enough TV to know that if you weren't in the movie, you're probably going to end up getting the worst of a close encounter with a Tarsian. Like when Rhaskos, Crixus and Oenomaus get sent to the arena against Gannicus and a bunch of red shirts. Sorry Rhaskos! If I could get the subtitles working on my CD player, I could see if I'm right.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Auroras, the test film by Niles Heckman, was posted last week. I've been waiting for this one since I saw the Kickstarter announced, name dropping Makoto Shinkai, which obviously is going to work on me... I thought the quote at the beginning and the expression at the end gave it a more positive emotion than I was expecting. With a Shinkai influence, you might be expecting "the feel good hit of the summer" (he said, sarcastically) but really Shinkai's movies have happy endings even if the audience has more trouble accepting it than the characters themselves in the films.

Auroras from Niles Heckman on Vimeo.